Are you a quick decision type?

Everyone is passionate about refereeing – what about you? Can you decide quickly? Because you have very little time to answer, whether right or wrong. Anyone who thinks that this is easy is very much mistaken. But that's exactly the appeal. Recognizing quickly whether it was a foul or not, reacting immediately when situations do not comply with the rules. Anyone who dares to do that is in the right place when it comes to refereeing. And has a lot of fun doing what he does. Joy and fun at a high level – that’s exactly what the job as a referee can offer. Hockey for Life – you are part of the game! Maybe one day in front of a very large audience – so why not?

Manuela Gröger-Schneider

Head of Refereeing


How do I become a referee?

How do I become a referee at the state level?
  • You can take part from the age of 16
  • Register with the respective state ice sports association
  • Attending basic courses (practice and theory)
  • Use as a referee
  • 2/3/4 – Man system in the young talent/senior area
  • HSR/LSR in the young talent/senior sector
How do I become a federal referee?
  • State associations report the referees to the DEB
  • Attending a main and intermediate course for the respective season
  • Successful completion of the rules test and the ice tests/fitness tests
  • Operations in all DEB-Young talent classes up to the top league as linesperson
  • Depending on performance, immediate use is also possible up to the DEL
  • Training as both head and line referee
  • Career as a line referee: DNL/Oberliga/DEL2/DEL
  • Career as main referee until DEL
How do I become a referee at international level?
  • DEB passes on its suggestions for the internal licenses to the world association (IIHF).
  • World Federation (IIHF) agrees
  • International courses
  • Appearances at the Olympic Winter Games, World Championships from the top tournament and in Divisions I – III

Then get in touch!

Manuela Gröger-Schneider


or at your responsible regional association.


Information material for referees

Alles downloaden


Regelungen für das Penaltyschießen13.08.2024112.48 KB DownloadVorschau
Schiedsrichter-Gebührenordnung DEB-Ligen 2024-202513.08.2024188.19 KB DownloadVorschau
Schiedsrichterordnung13.06.20531.88 KB DownloadVorschau

Penny ice hockey documentary

A life for the stripes

Often criticized, yet indispensable. Our ice hockey referees have to withstand enormous pressure, regardless of whether it is a PENNY DEL or a major league game. But how do you prepare for it? How do you reconcile professional challenges and everyday family life with your passion for German ice hockey? Penny accompanies 3 referees in very different situations - on and off the ice.

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