Age groups

SeniorsBorn 2004 and older
Juniors U20Born in 2005 / 2006 / 2007
Youth U17Years 2008 / 2009
Students U15Years 2010 / 2011
Boys U13Years 2012 / 2013
Small students U11Years 2014 / 2015
Small students U9Years 2016 / 2017

Transfer matters

Dear Sir or Madam,

Since August 2017, all transfers of players subject to transfer, whether adults or children, have been processed by the respective national associations via the IIHF Transfer Online System.

I have summarized the following information for you:

German citizenship or EU citizenship = does not equal exemption from the transfer card!

I receive many inquiries as to why a player with German or EU nationality needs a transfer card.

The nationality only indicates which playing eligibility the player receives: with a green cross or without a cross in the player pass.

A transfer card is nothing more than an international release. This is always required if a player was born abroad - regardless of whether a player played abroad or not. Of course, we also need approval from another association if he started playing ice hockey there, even if he was born in Germany. This is what the IIHF Transfer Regulations, which are crucial for us as an association, say.

To implement the transfer:

We work with the transfer form. It must be filled out and signed by the player and the club. In addition, the term of the transfer must be requested. They are possible: limited or unlimited.

Of course, you also have the option of applying for approval for several seasons. In addition . but an employment contract for the requested term exists and must also be presented.

Important: In addition to the transfer form, please be sure to submit the employment contract with the requested term or  simply a written agreement (in English) with confirmation of the term, signature of the player and club.

Applications & forms for player transfers


As a rule, a transfer is requested for one season. However, if you have an employment contract with the player that lasts several seasons, the transfer can also be made via this respective period be requested. Proven either by the employment contract with the term entered or by a confirmation of the term in English on the club's letterhead with the signature of the player and the club.


A transfer over a season can also be requested Option here’s to another season. This means they request the transfer for 24/25 and mark the option for 25/26. However, a copy of the employment contract is required or a written confirmation of the term in English must be submitted. This will be stored in the transfer online system and can be drawn if necessary in the 25/26 season if the player plans to stay here. There would then be no additional costs for a transfer.

Players' salaries can definitely be blacked out in the employment contracts submitted, but of course they are not relevant!

If you would like to exercise a requested option at the start of the season, this can only be done by confirming this in English on your club's letterhead, signed by the player and the club. Submitting by email directly to me is completely sufficient!

It is not possible to subsequently change the duration of a transfer.

Please always submit a copy of the player's ID; this will be scanned in the online system.

Since all documents (transfer form, possibly employment contract or agreement on the term in English, copy of ID) have to be uploaded individually in the new system, the documents should please scanned individually arrive at me.

Documents that are with you limited transfer must be presented:

  • signed transfer form
  • ID copy

Documents that are with you limited transfer over several seasons must be presented:

  • signed transfer form
  • ID copy
  • Copy of the employment contract with the term or agreement on the term

Documents at one unlimited transfer:

  • signed transfer form
  • ID copy
  • Completely completed and signed UTCR (unlimited transfer form), The club should sign with the date and stamp on the bottom line.

Please only request an unlimited transfer, if the player's center of life is here in Germany. Background:

In the case of an unlimited transfer, the player's transfer rights are transferred to Germany. If he moves back to his home country, a full transfer back is required with all costs incurred. An unlimited transfer should always be a player's wish!

If I have the necessary documents for a transfer, I enter the player's data in the IIHF's online system and the transferring association will then receive my release request through the system.

But please note: The releasing association has 7 days to respond to the release request. Please take this into account when making your player commitments. If the player has left the club despite a valid contract, withholding equipment or debts, the releasing association can initiate a refusal to release the player, after which these "disputes" should be resolved within 7 days. The IIHF also recommends that the return of the equipment be specified in the contract and that a written confirmation be issued upon return.

Players who were born abroad and want to start playing ice hockey at the national association level:

There are players who come to Germany from abroad and then decide they want to play a bit of ice hockey here. These players have been living here in Germany for more than 18 months and  have never been with us or have not been with us for at least 15 years or played ice hockey in another association, you can register with us free of charge via the IIHF. This regulation has only existed since the 18/19 season.

IMPORTANT: Documents that must be submitted for this:

  • completed transfer form
  • UTCR (Unlimited Transfer Form)
  • ID copy
  • current, extended registration certificate or certificate of residence showing that the player has been registered here in Germany for 18 months. The IIHF will not accept registration in these cases as this does not constitute proof of residency.

Please note that only players who submit an initial application can request this special transfer.

Cost of a transfer

Each new transfer costs 320 euros (IIHF fee).

In addition to the IIHF transfer costs, a transfer fee of 320 euros must be paid to the transferring national association, as well as the fees for issuing the passport, registration for the respective league and the transfer fees of 200 euros plus VAT.

The additional fees for the respective league can be found at Fee schedule .

IMPORTANT: We reserve the right to adjust costs due to exchange rate fluctuations in the Swiss franc.

Fees for player transfers:

  • 320 euro transfer card
  • 10 euros passport issuance
  • 80 euros registration for players subject to tk
  • 200 euros transfer fees
  • everything plus VAT

The 320 Euro transfer fee to the respective transferring national association does not apply to female players due to a current internal regulation among the associations.

After submitting the transfer form, your club will promptly receive an invoice for the transfer and the transfer fees via email.

Of course, the player is only entitled to play for you once a valid playing authorization has been created by your passport office.

15 days try out for players subject to transfer in friendly matches

Players requiring a transfer card can be used in friendly matches upon submission of a try out. Send me the try out requests with the name, date of birth and place of birth of the respective players and I will query them from the issuing association. This will then check whether the players still have valid employment contracts or whether a try out can be granted. According to IIHF regulations, the try out period is limited to 15 days, valid from the first use in a FS game, but can be extended again.

This regulation is particularly important for players who may have existing contracts with the AHL or NHL. There are high fines that would have to be paid if non-compliance occurs.

I will send the confirmed 15 day trial back to you directly via email.

From the time of use in the championship game, a fully approved transfer must have been carried out and eligibility to play must be present.

Transfers for players under 18 years of age

Letter of approval “LOA” for players up to 18 years old

Even if a child under the age of 18 has not learned to play ice hockey in another country, he or she generally requires a Letter of Approval, hereinafter referred to as “LOA”, if he or she was born abroad. Please note that this form is always signed by the player and a legal guardian at the DEB-Passport office must be presented.

The same rules apply here as for the transfer of senior players: You can apply for limited releases (under 18, even over several seasons) or an unlimited transfer if the player now has his or her center of life here in Germany. The UTCR form is also required. Players who are already 18 years old require a transfer using the transfer form with all costs incurred.

Also or especially the playing permissions for children, who currently have to be released annually by their association, must also be applied for using this form.

Children who are under 10 years old when applying for a passport and are still abroad not have played, are WITHOUT Quota eligible to play (no green cross in player pass). However, these players receive the restriction “temporarily without a quota, not in seniors” in the player pass. This regulation also applies to children who have their permission to play before submitting their first application permanent Stay in DEB-Association area had.

Prerequisite for this: an extended, current registration certificate must be submitted in order to provide proof of residence in Germany.

This exception can only be taken into account or granted upon initial issuance.


Please note that as soon as these players move to the senior level and do not have German citizenship or that of an EU country, they will have a green cross entered in their player passport and thus occupy a foreign position!

Players requiring transfer cards who turn 18 years old during a current season can still apply for approval with the “Letter of Approval”. A transfer card will only be required in the following season. Players who are not yet 18 years old before applying for international clearance can still apply for an LOA for the entire season.

With this permit you can also take part in senior games.

There are no additional transfer costs for applications from players under 18 years of age.

Documents that are included limited applications must be submitted:

  • Legibly completed and signed LOA (preferably via fillable PDF on the DEB-homepage)
  • ID copy

Documents that are included unlimited applications must be submitted:

  • Legibly completed and signed LOA
  • ID copy
  • Completely completed and signed UTCR (also by a parent), the bottom line should be signed by the club with the date and stamp

Players from Ukraine:

Transfers must definitely be carried out for players from Ukraine.

Transfers for players under 18 are free anyway, and we have not yet received any information from the IIHF for players from Ukraine over 18 for the 24/25 season. The Council must first meet and make decisions on this. We will announce these as soon as we are informed.

All forms and applications in the download portal print and edit.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Karin Frauenrieder

Head of passport office, contact person for trainer training and further education

Match report check

Disciplinary and game-time disciplinary penalties that require suspension can only be expunged in the team and age group in which the player received the applicable penalty.

For the purpose of expiring numerically determined game bans for young talent/over-age players, a game only counts as suspended if the player was not played in any other game on the game day that is to count towards the game ban. If a player has a game-time disciplinary penalty to be suspended in two different age groups and both games in which he has to sit out take place on the same day, the game in the higher age group will be counted as suspended (note: a player cannot play two games in one day as " suspended” because he is only allowed to play one game on a day, Art. 51, Section 8 SpO).

If a coach/team official receives a game misconduct penalty in championship games, he or she is automatically banned from all activities as a coach or other team official in the following championship game of the same team. (Art. 28, Section 2.5 SpO).

Sporting and professional qualifications

According to instructions from the DOSB, it is unfortunately not possible for us to issue sporting qualifications for players who play in the Bundesliga 2 or Oberliga.

Detailed information (e.g. transfer regulations) and forms can be found in Download portal.

If you have any questions, please contact the passport office.

Karin Frauenrieder

Head of passport office, contact person for trainer training and further education